Thursday, October 17, 2019

Attention All Parents/Guardians: Ayer Shirley SEPAC Presents “Basic Rights: Evaluation and Eligibility”

Ayer Shirley SEPAC

“Basic Rights:  Evaluation and Eligibility”
Free to both parents and professionals
Speaker:  Cheryl Hollocher, 
Federation for Children with Special Needs

This informative workshop will provide an introduction of the complex special education laws and procedures:  Topics covered include: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Massachusetts Laws, Evaluations and Referrals, The Team Meeting, Individualized Education Program (IEP) and 504 Plans, Effective Progress, Transition, Review of Important Timelines, Strategies for Success and more!

Thursday, November 7th, 2019  
7:00 p.m.  - 9:00 p.m.
Ayer Shirley Middle School – Library
(School Entrance & Parking along side of the school)
1 Hospital Road
Shirley MA 01464

Free Babysitting Available!
Please RSVP for Babysitting.
Contact, Bette Surette, with any questions.