Monday, August 5, 2019

Please join us for the 13th Annual Holdenwood Trail Run on Sunday, September 29th!!  This is a wonderful family & community event and a fun trail run/walk on the gorgeous, well-groomed Holdenwood Trail in Shirley. Online registration is now open and all ages are encouraged and welcome to participate - please visit to sign up today!!  Register before Labor Day and receive a FREE 2019 HTR t-shirt, and if you are one of the first 300 to register you will receive a race hat & tote bag!  Race day registration starts @ 9 a.m., 2K run/walk starts @ 10a.m., 5K/10K starts @ 11a.m.  All proceeds benefit the Ayer Shirley Education Foundation (ASEF) and its mission to enhance the educational excellence in the ASRSD. Thank you so much for your support and see you on the trails on September 29th!!