Dr. Malone's Blog
"What I regret most in my life are failures of kindness." ~George Saunders
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Friday, June 14 is the last day of school. It is a 1/2 day for students. Dismissal times are as follows:
MS: 10:00am
HS: 11:20am
PH/LAW: 12:15pm
We thank our families for another wonderful year and wish you all a fun summer with your family and friends.
Congratulations Chris Govang! Academy Award next?
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Picture of the Week
Old-fashioned fall fun! Preschoolers in Mrs. Rice’s class had fun today frolicking in the leaves!
Communication to Parents/Guardians on Attendance Matters
Dear Parent/Guardian, I hope this finds you well and hope you and your child’s school experience to date has been positive and rewarding....
(no title)
U.S. News and World Report ASRHS has once again been ranked a BEST high school by U.S News. For 2019, U.S. News ranked nationwide 17,000 p...